Exam Preparation
All good performers have “butterflies”
You had good results before…freak failures are rare!
Always work against the Clock, in preparation for exams!
Be ready for exams, be focused and do your best!
√ Know the format of the paper and the sections from which you must answer questions.
√ Know the amount of time you are going to allocate to each question.
√ Be on time for the exam
√ Ensure you have all you need for the exam e.g. pens, calculator, instruments etc.
√ Take long deep breaths to help you to remain calm and get focused.
√ Read the question slowly and carefully at least three times.
√ Now, ask yourself – what exactly am I being asked?
√ Underline key words on the paper e.g. Name and explain three features —
√ Plan your answer before you start – write down the points you need to make in order to answer the question on a roughwork sheet.
√ Answer only what you are asked and keep to the point.
√ Develop each point fully and illustrate (draw diagrams) where possible.
√ Leave a space between each answer – you may want to include an additional point later.
√ After you have finished, read over your answers carefully and make whatever necessary corrections maybe needed. You can pick up many extra marks doing this.
√ Never leave the exam early!
√ Once the exam is over, avoid “post mortems”! – forget about it.
Remember! – The examiner/teacher sets out to give you
marks, not to take them from you.
Check out the following websites, if you wish, for extra help
Examinations website (for Marking Schemes/ Examiners’ Reports)
Leaving Cert Timetable 2015
Junior Cert Timetable 2015