We endeavour to equip our students with key skills for the future and instil in them a love of lifelong learning  as well as personal growth.


To all Students, Staff and Parents

The following is the “Code of Behaviour” for Bailieborough Community School.

There are three distinct sections to the code:

  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • A reward system
  • The consequences for students of poor behaviour

Parents and Students will be asked to sign the code which is printed in the Student


The school places a great emphasis on these three rights:


  • All who come to Bailieborough Community School have a right to be educated in an atmosphere of respect in an organised learning environment. Bailieborough Community School is an inclusive school which respects, values and accommodates diversity across all nine grounds in the equality legislation – gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race and membership of the Traveller Community.


  • Everyone at Bailieborough Community School has a right to work in a

clean, safe and healthy environment.


  • Each person has a right to come to Bailieborough Community School to pursue

his/her education without interference, bullying or intimidation, harassment or sexual harassment.


Every right has a corresponding responsibility. Inevitably some responsibilities

remain unnamed and it is the intention of the school to update this Code of

Behaviour from time to time as circumstances require.


In the meantime the list of responsibilities should not be regarded as exhaustive and the mere fact that a particular matter is not specified in this code will not exonerate a pupil from blame should there be an infringement of another person’s rights.


This code of behaviour is about enabling all members of the school community

to feel valued, to have their achievements valued and to behave respectfully

towards each other.


Respect is the principle at the heart of our school.

The code of behaviour of Bailieborough Community School reflects the fact

that all members of the school community should show respect towards

each other and that all have a responsibility to uphold this very important





All who come to Bailieborough Community School have the right to

be educated in an atmosphere of respect and an organised learning



(a) It is my responsibility to show respect at all times for teachers, staff

members, parents, fellow students, visitors and myself.

(b) I will wear full school uniform at all times, keep my hair and

appearance neat and wear minimum jewellery/makeup. Facial piercings

are not acceptable.

(c) I will respect the opinions of others and I will be polite if I wish

to express my opinion.

(d) It is my responsibility to come to school on time every day, to be

punctual for my timetabled class and to work co-operatively with my teachers

and classmates. If I am removed from class, I will present with the relevant pass in the general area and avail of an allocated learning cubicle for study purposes.

(e) If I am absent from school, I will present a written note in my journal from my parent/guardian on return to school with the reason for the absence.

(f) I will have all required books, copies and other materials with me for each class.

(g) I will do my class work.

(h) I will record my homework in the School Journal and complete it

properly and fully as assigned.

(i) I will use my School Journal to facilitate communications between home and


(j) I will try to participate fully in all aspects of school life.

(k) If involved in Extra Curricular Activities it is my responsibility to complete

homework for the time I missed.

(l) It is my responsibility to obey all classroom rules.

(m) I must not be out of class without permission.

(n) All ipods, mobile phones, earphones, MP3 players and portable music players must remain in  lockers between the hours of 8.50am and 3.36pm. Items will be confiscated for 24 hours for a first offence, three days for a second offence and a lengthy spell for a third offence. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss of such items.



Everybody at Bailieborough Community School has the right to work in a

clean, safe and healthy environment.



(a) I will treat the school property and the property of others with respect

and play an active part in keeping the school clean, litter and graffiti free.

I will place my chair on the table at the end of the school day.

(b) I will walk and behave in an orderly manner about the school.

(c) I will not wear my fleece/jacket in class.

(d) I will not chew gum in school.

(e) I will not smoke in school or be in possession of cigarettes – electronic or otherwise.

(f) I will not bring alcohol or any illegal or toxic substances to school.

(g) I will not bring weapons to school.

(h) I will not bring fireworks/stink-bombs/ lasers or any electronic devices which may cause irritation or harm to others into school or be in possession of same

(i) I will follow safety regulations so as not to put my safety or the safety of

others at risk.

(j) I will not deface school property.

(k) I will keep my journal free from graffiti, marks, stickers, drawings, insulting remarks or any other comments that may be interpreted as offensive to members of our school community. I understand that I am solely responsible for all content in my journal. I will ensure my journal cover is maintained to a high standard at all times. I understand that the journal is jointly owned by the school authorities, my parents/guardians and myself. It is a method of communication between school personnel and my parents/guardians and it is a record of my progress in school. I will have it in my possession to be handed over to school personnel whenever the need arises. I understand that if my journal has to be replaced it will cost me €20.

(l) I will show care for my school transport and respect all other users of it.

(m) I will be courteous and mannerly in the shops and on the streets of


(n) I will leave the areas such as toilets and showers clean and ready for

others to use.

(o) I will use lockers and toilets only at break times unless in exceptional



Each person has the right to come to Bailieborough Community School to pursue

his/her education without interference, bullying or intimidation.


(a) I understand and accept that fighting, bad language and rough behaviour show

serious disrespect and are not tolerated.

(b) I understand and accept that pornographic material, insulting remarks including sexual remarks, etc. are offensive and will be treated very seriously.

(c) I understand and accept that bullying will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in

a firm, fair and understanding manner.

(d) I understand and accept that harassment and sexual harassment are prohibited.



In order to recognise the efforts and achievements of its students,

Bailieborough Community School holds an annual prize giving ceremony.

Students are recognised for their contribution to all aspects of school life and  for their achievements over the school year.

A separate graduation ceremony is held for the Leaving Certificate students where all students are affirmed equally during their time in school and their contributions are celebrated by parents, teachers and members of the local community.

Medical Care

If a student is ill during the day and is unable to attend their timetabled class, he/she must inform the teacher and report immediately to the general office with a sick pass from the teacher. Members of school staff attend to sick/injured students as parents do. In cases where medical care is needed the parent will be contacted in the first instance and notified of the situation. Where the parent is unavailable, the school, acting in loco parentis, will see that the child gets the necessary medical care. All expenses arising are the responsibility of the parents.

 Leaving School Grounds

For legal reasons students are not permitted to leave school grounds at any time during the school day (8.50am – 3.36pm) unless prior written permission has been given by parents and approved by the school.

Senior students (TY, 5th and 6th years) have the privilege of leaving school between 1.00pm and 1.40pm, unless they lose such a privilege.

Students may only leave school during class time if signed out by a parent/guardian and returned back to the school by parent/guardian. Students must sign in on return.


Policy on Student Cars

A student is not permitted to park his or her car on the school premises or

in the church car parks.


CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras are in operation in Bailieborough Community School in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. The purpose of the cameras is to deter/detect bullying, crime, theft and vandalism, to ensure compliance with the Code of Behaviour, as an aid to security, for Health & Safety purposes and to enable the school to discharge its duty of care.

 Classroom Behaviour

The classroom is at the heart of learning. In our school, every student has

the right to learn in a respectful, organised and positive atmosphere.

 Sanctions which may be employed:

  1. Verbal Warning.
  2. Moving student to a different seat.
  3. Student reports to a teacher at end of class. Entry of incidences on teacher record sheet in relation to punctuality, equipment and learning behaviour in their class.
  4. Extra work/detention from the class teacher recorded in journal.
  5. Tutor informed (where applicable).
  6. Referral to Year Leader.

Formal meeting with Year Leader may result in any of the following:

  • Phone call home
  • Student put “on report”
  • Letter home
  • Detention
  • Meeting with parents by appointment
  • In-school suspension from class
  • Referral to the Deputy Principal

Please Note: Serious misbehaviour includes such things as:

  • Tampering with fire equipment, which is a serious breach of Health & Safety
  • Causing fire alarm to go off, which is a serious breach of Health & Safety
  • Interference with personal possessions of others
  • Theft
  • Verbal abuse of any person in the school community
  • Physical abuse of any person in the school community
  • Deliberate damage of school property
  • Fighting/Bullying/Harassment
  • Smoking, possession or distribution of cigarettes –electronic or otherwise
  • Alcohol, possession or distribution of alcohol
  • Drug abuse or possession of drugs, for use or supply
  • Uploading unsuitable material on any technology which brings the school into disrepute or invades other students’ or staff’s privacy.

These behaviours will automatically result in sanctions outlined under heading 7

  1. Formal meeting with the Deputy Principal/Principal resulting in any of

     the following:

  • Phone call home
  • Detention at lunch time
  • Three lunch time detentions per term for separate offences merits an after school detention
  • Detention on Wednesday after school from 3.45pm to 4.45pm
  • In-school suspension from class
  • Letter home
  • Meeting parents, contract formed and signed.
  • Suspension, Board of Management advised. Contract to be signed by student and parent on return.





For the purpose of this code of behaviour suspension is defined as: “requiring a student to absent himself/herself from the school for a specified, limited period of school days.”

During the period of a suspension, a student retains his/her place in Bailieborough Community School.

Authority to Suspend

The Board of Management of Bailieborough Community School delegates the authority to suspend a student for no more than five days to the principal. This is done at a Board of Management meeting prior to the start of the new academic year in writing.  All suspensions are reported to the Board of Management for noting and review.

Grounds for Suspension

The decision to suspend a student requires serious grounds such as that:

  • the student’s behaviour has had a seriously detrimental effect on the education of other students
  • the student’s continued presence in the school at this time constitutes a threat to safety
  • the student is responsible for serious damage to property


Please note that a single incident of serious misconduct may be grounds for suspension.

The following named behaviours may incur automatic suspension:


  • Tampering with fire equipment, which is a serious breach of Health & Safety
  • Causing fire alarm to go off, which is a serious breach of Health & Safety
  • On-going poor behaviour or repeated incidents of indiscipline in spite of warnings and/or counselling by staff.
  • Failure to recognize and respond to legitimate authority.
  • Interference with personal possessions of others
  • Theft
  • Verbal abuse of any person in the school community
  • Physical abuse of any person in the school community
  • Deliberate damage of school property
  • Fighting/Bullying/Harassment
  • Smoking, or possession of cigarettes
  • Alcohol, or possession of alcohol
  • Drug abuse or possession of drugs, for use or supply
  • Uploading unsuitable material on any technology which brings the school into disrepute or invades other students’ or staff’s privacy.
  • Deliberate damage to school property
  • Persistent punctuality problems
  • 3 Special detentions per term



Factors that will be considered prior to suspending a student include:

  • The nature and seriousness of the behaviour
  • The context of the behaviour
  • The impact of the behaviour
  • The interventions tried to date
  • Whether suspension is a proportionate response
  • The possible impact of suspension


Forms of Suspension


Immediate Suspension:

In exceptional circumstances, the Principal may consider an immediate suspension to be necessary where the continued presence of a student in the school represents a serious threat to the safety of students or staff of the school, or any other person.


Suspension during a State Examination:

This sanction must be approved by the Board of Management and is only to be used where there is:

  • a threat to good order in the conduct of the examination
  • a threat to the safety of other students and personnel
  • a threat to the right of other students to do their examination in a calm atmosphere


Automatic Suspension:

Where the particular named behaviours listed above incur suspension as a sanction.

Procedures in relation to Suspension

Where a preliminary assessment of the facts confirms serious misbehaviour that could warrant suspension the principal will inform the student and his/her parents or guardians about the complaint as well as providing them with an opportunity to respond.

Where an immediate suspension is considered by the principal to be warranted for reasons of the safety of the student, other students, staff or others, a preliminary investigation will be conducted to establish the case for the imposition of the suspension. The formal investigation immediately follows the imposition of the suspension.

In the case of an immediate suspension, the parents or guardians will be notified and arrangements will be made with them regarding collection of the student.

Period of Suspension

A student will not be suspended for more than five days, except in exceptional circumstances where the principal considers that a period of suspension longer than five days is needed in order to achieve a particular objective.

The Board of Management will provide guidance to the principal concerning the kinds of circumstances under which suspensions of longer than five days might be approved.

If a suspension longer than five days is proposed by the principal, the matter will be referred to the Board of Management for consideration and approval, giving the circumstances and the expected outcomes.

The Board formally reviews any proposal to suspend a student, where the suspension brings the number of days for which the student has been suspended in the current school year to twenty days or more. Any such suspension is subject to appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998.


Parents have a right to appeal a principal’s decision to suspend their son/daughter to the Board of Management. An appeal of a suspension should be made in writing, setting out the grounds of appeal, to the Board of Management. In the case of a student who has attained his eighteenth birthday, such a request may be made by the student concerned. The Board will consider the appeal at the next scheduled meeting of the Board.


Section 29 Appeal

Where the total number of days for which the student has been suspended in the current school year reaches twenty days, the parents, or a student aged over eighteen years, may appeal the suspension under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998, as amended by the Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2007.

At the time when parents are being formally notified of such a suspension, they and the student should be told about their right to appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science under Section 29 of the Education Act, 1998, and should be given information about how to appeal.

 Implementing the Suspension

The principal notifies the parents/guardians and the student in writing of the decision to suspend. The letter will confirm the period of the suspension and the dates on which the suspension will begin and end, the reasons for the suspension and where necessary

any study program to be followed, the arrangements for returning to school and where necessary any commitments to be entered into by the student and the parents/guardians, the provision for an appeal to the Board of Management, and where appropriate the right to appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills (Education Act 1998, section 29).

Grounds for removing a Suspension

A suspension may be removed if the Board of Management decides to remove the suspension for any reason or if the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science directs that it be removed following an appeal under Section 29 of the Education Act.

After the Suspension ends

A period of suspension will end on the date given in the letter of notification to the parents about the suspension.



In order to maintain good order and discipline and the safety of all the students in the school, it may be necessary to permanently exclude a student from Bailieborough Community School.

 Authority to Expel

The authority to expel a student is reserved to the Board of Management of Bailieborough Community School.


Grounds for Expulsion

A proposal to expel a student requires serious grounds such as that:

  • the student’s behaviour is a persistent cause of significant disruption to the learning of others or to the teaching process
  • the student’s continued presence in the school constitutes a real and significant threat to safety
  • the student is responsible for serious damage to property


The following named behaviours may incur a recommendation for automatic expulsion:

  • Where there is an on-going refusal by a student to abide by the regulations of the school and the Principal, in consultation with the Board of Management, has, in his/her considered judgement, exhausted all reasonable options.
  • Serious physical or verbal assault of any person in the school community.
  • Tampering with fire equipment, which is a serious breach of Health & Safety
  • Causing fire alarm to go off, which is a serious breach of Health & Safety
  • Persistent smoking, and/or persistent possession of cigarettes
  • Uploading unsuitable material on any technology which brings the school into disrepute or invades other students’ or staff’s privacy.
  • Wilful and serious damage to school property.
  • Having, passing, selling or taking alcohol, drugs or illegal substances in school uniform, on school property and/or on school activities. This will automatically be reported to the Board of Management for consideration and the local Gardaí will be informed.

Factors that will be considered prior to recommending the expulsion of a student include:

  • The nature and seriousness of the behavior
  • The context of the behavior
  • The impact of the behavior
  • The interventions tried to date
  • Whether expulsion is a proportionate response
  • The possible impact of expulsion

 Forms of Expulsion

 Automatic Expulsion:

Where the particular named behaviours listed above may incur expulsion as a sanction.


Expulsion for a first offence:

There may be exceptional circumstances where the Board of Management forms the opinion that a student should be expelled for a first offence. The kinds of behaviour that might result in a proposal to expel on the basis of a single breach of the code include:

  • A serious threat of violence against another student or member of staff
  • Actual violence or physical assault
  • Supplying illegal drugs to other students in the school
  • Sexual Assault

Procedures in relation to Expulsion

  • A period of suspension, as per the school’s policy on suspension, will be imposed while the issue of expulsion is being referred to and considered by the Board of Management


  • A detailed investigation carried out under the direction of the principal

In investigating an allegation, in line with fair procedures, the principal will inform the student and his/her parents/guardians in writing about the details of the alleged misbehavior, how it will be investigated and that it could result in expulsion. Parents and the student will be given every opportunity in a meeting with the principal to respond to the complaint of serious misbehavior before a decision is made and before a sanction is imposed.


  • A recommendation to the Board of Management by the principal

Where the principal forms a view, based on the investigation of the alleged misbehavior, that expulsion may be warranted, the principal makes a recommendation to the Board of Management to consider expulsion.                         The principal will inform the parents and the student that the Board of Management is being asked to consider expulsion, the principal will ensure that parents have records of the allegations against the student; the investigation; and written notice of the grounds on which the Board of Management is being asked to consider expulsion, provide the Board of Management with the same comprehensive records as are given to the parents, notify the parents of the date of the hearing by the Board of Management and invite them to that hearing, advise the parents that they can make a written and oral submission to the Board of Management and ensure that the parents have a minimum period of seven school days’ notice to allow them to prepare for the hearing.


  • Consideration by the Board of Management of the principal’s recommendation; and the holding of a hearing

The Board of Management will review the initial investigation and satisfy itself that the investigation was properly conducted in line with fair procedures. The Board will review all documentation and the circumstances of the case. The Board will ensure that no party who has had any involvement with the circumstances of the case is part of the Board’s deliberations. Where the Board of Management decides to consider expelling a student, a hearing will be held.

At the hearing, the principal and the parents, or a student aged eighteen years or over, put their case to the Board in each other’s presence.


The principal will formally outline the recommendation of expulsion and will outline the case in support of the recommendation. Clarification may be requested from the Principal by any or every member of the Board of Management and/or by any/all of the parties invited to attend the meeting. Clarification as to events leading to the recommendation of expulsion may be got from other parties. The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or student will respond to the recommendation. Clarification on the response may be requested by any/all members of the Board of Management and/or by any/all of the parties invited to the meeting.

Clarification in support of the response may be got from any person present at the   meeting.

When the Chairperson of the Board is satisfied that both the recommendation to   expel and the response are fully clarified, he/she will request all parties, including the Principal, except Board of Management members to leave the meeting.

The Board of Management, prior to making a decision, will give full consideration to all matters addressed in both the recommendation to expel and in response to the recommendation.


  • Board of Management deliberations and actions following the hearing

Having heard from all the parties, it is the responsibility of the Board to decide whether or not the allegation is substantiated and, if so, whether or not expulsion is the appropriate sanction.

Where the Board of Management, having considered all the facts of the case, is of the opinion that the student should be expelled, it will notify the Education Welfare Officer in writing of its opinion, and the reasons for this opinion.                  The Board will also through its Secretary, notify, by registered post, the parent(s)/guardian(s)/student of its decision.


                       This notice of expulsion will specify:

  • Effective date of expulsion: 20 school days following the decision to expel being communicated to and received in writing by the parents and communicated and received in writing by the Educational Welfare Officer.
  • Reason(s) for expulsion.
  • That the Education Welfare Board has been advised of the proposed expulsion.
  • Where appropriate, that the student, from the effective date of expulsion is under the care and supervision of the parent(s)/guardian(s).
  • That a right of appeal to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills and appeal procedures exist, as outlined in Section 29, Education Act, 1998.


  • Consultations arranged by the Educational Welfare Officer

Within twenty school days of receipt of a written notification from the Board of Management of its opinion that a student should be expelled, the Educational Welfare Officer must make all reasonable efforts to hold individual consultations with the Principal, the parents and the student, and anyone else who may be of assistance as well as convene a meeting of those parties who agree to attend.

Pending these consultations about the student’s continued education, the Board of Management may take steps to ensure that good order is maintained and that the safety of students is secured. The Board of Management may consider it appropriate to suspend a student during this time.

  • Confirmation of the decision to expel

Where the twenty school days period following notification to the Educational Welfare Officer has elapsed and where the Board of Management remains of the view that the student should be expelled, the Board of Management will formally confirm the decision to expel.                                                                                          Parents will be notified immediately that the expulsion will now proceed. Parents and the student will be told about the right to appeal and supplied with the standard form on which to lodge an appeal.



A Parent, or a student aged over eighteen years, may appeal a decision to expel to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science.

An appeal may also be brought by the National Educational Welfare Board on behalf of a student.

The appeals process under Section 29 of the Education Act begins with the provision of mediation by a mediator nominated by the Appeals Committee (Department of Education and Skills)


Monitoring and Reviewing of the Code of Behaviour

The Code of Behaviour will be monitored by the principal and deputy principal, the year leaders and assistant year leaders, the guidance team, teachers, the student council and the parent association and formally reviewed by the Board of Management by 30th June 2016.

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